NEM Future Forum 2020
5 November 2020
Virtual Forum
AEMO’s 2020 ISP promises to maximise consumer value AND deliver $11 billion in net market benefits. Though achieving these objectives means making the plan a reality, where market forces and unpredictable factors could change the outcomes.
The key issue is potential over (or under) investment in the NEM and its ability to cope with distributed and intermittent generators. Developed by the team behind Australian Energy Week, the NEM Future Forum brings together some of the industry’s key stakeholders to unpack the ISP and understand its implications for the NEM.
In one concentrated morning, get up to speed and understand the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolution of the grid. Understand more about REZ and EnergyConnect from those involved, as well as from leading regulators and independent analysts.
If you work in the energy sector and are involved in your organisation’s forward planning, then this is a must-attend event.
We have links to heads of industry, government, associations and large energy users. This has helped us deliver events where the content is highly relevant to the market and its needs. A Quest energy event is the MUST ATTEND for key decision makers in the sector.
If you’d like to become an exhibitor, sponsor or speaker at NEM Future Forum 2020, please contact: